リアルジャングルクルーズ 〜血まみれアーシングと絶滅危惧種からのメッセージ編

I’m back from the jungle and I’m in Bali now. Krui is just so faraway. The drive between the airport and Krui takes somewhere from 5 to 7hrs through the jungle road with monkeys. I left the camp at around 11am and got in the room in Bali at 1:30am! I took a hot shower for the first time in about 8days and it felt good!! Going to remote places with basic life styles makes me realize how lucky I am.


So here we go, the second part of the jungle tour.

With that gross leech repellant on my leg, we finally went in the jungle. Walking on muddy ground with fallen leaves barefoot is I guess an extreme earthing.

“if we get lucky, we may see orangutans.”
There are variety of primates in the Sumatran jungle. The boat captain and Husin even once saw a wild Sumatran tiger.

There must be so many venomous insects that you don’t want to step on so each step we placed our foot carefully on the ground. “Here, you see leeches?” I looked down and there they were, little brown stick-like leeches all over the ground. There were way too many that it was impossible not to step on them.

Beside the leeches on every step, mosquitos were attacking me wearing just a tank and a shorts. Perfect attire for a jungle and I couldn’t believe I was walking barefoot.

Jungle is not flat and we had to walk on muddy cliffs with leeches. I didn’t want to look down at the leeches but then I’d have fallen off the cliff if I didn’t.

なんとかヒル攻撃にあわないまま歩く。足の薬指と中指の間がなんだか痛痒い氣もするが、早くジャングルを抜けたいので氣にせず歩きつづける。あこがれのジャングルから早く出たいという残念なお知らせw フシンが「ヒルに噛まれてないか?!」と聞くので「わかんないけど、たぶん噛まれてないと思う」と言いながら自分の足を見たら、いーーーーーーるーーーーーやーーーーーーーーん!!!!薬指と中指の間にいーーーーーーるーーーーーやーーーーーーーーん!!!氣づいた瞬間からもっと痛痒くなった(笑)。絶叫しながら、「早く!早く取って!!!ハリーーーアーーーーーップ!!!」
I felt a little tingling sensation on my left foot but I didn’t care. I just wanted to get done with the leech trekking. “You don’t have leeches yet?” Husin asked. “I don’t think I do.” I looked at my feet and boom!! I got nailed. It was sucking my blood in between my middle and ring finger. I was screaming. “Husin! Take it off!! Hurry up!!!”

It wasn’t easy getting rid of a slimy leech on my muddy feet. He finally got it off and my foot was bleeding. After the first sting, we started getting more and more. Every time I looked down I got three leeches sucking my blood. My feet was now covered in blood.

“I heard there were many land leeches in a mountain near our house in Japan.” My friend said.
“Yeah right, guess they don’t walk barefoot there.”

Only thing we could do was to walk as fast as we could to get out of the jungle. “Five more minutes and we’re done.” said Husin. We finally got to the same river we went up on the boat and we jumped in the river.

The boat captain started to pump up the tubes.

As the tubes were being pumped, I thought, if we play around in the river, that repellant liquid would wash off and we’d have to go back in the jungle without it??!

“Okay everyone, we’re going to go down the river to the boat on the tubes.” Said Husin.

Oh okay, so we were to go down the river on the tubes, to the boat. That sounds fun.

The tube ride was a lot of fun. The river current was a lot faster than I thought.

Husin and the captain was cruising on the tube smoking cigarettes. The only sound we heard were of the river stream, insects, birds and “ho ho ho” sounds of unknown animals in the jungle. Monkeys greeted us on the side. We saw a rare white monkey too. Beautiful colored kingfisher flew by us.

We went down the river for about half an hour and we found our boat. The wild jungle tour was over. Experiences like this always make me think what it takes to be happy. Husin and the captain said the same thing.”I love nature, jungle is my playground. I love my life in the jungle.”

Husin used to work in Korea and be a teacher. He was even offered to work in a big company in Jakarta with a house and a car.

“I said no thank you. Big house and cars? I don’t need those. Once you know how to live on your own, you can’t go back working for someone else. I make money by playing in the nature and I love it. My father gave me a land in a jungle when he died. It’s a big land and I will not cut trees in my land,I tell my son not to cut trees. Even when the last tree is cut down on earth, my jungle will be here forever.”

We had a surprise gift from the jungle too. While going through the jungle, Husin and the captain stopped and pointed at one of the trees.
“Look!! It’s there!! The black monkey!!”

This is what we saw in a tree. A black monkey with long arms.

“You are very very lucky. It’s so hard to find the black monkey.It is the first time for us to see it in this area too. You guys are super lucky!!”

I searched on the net to see what kind of monkey it was. I think it was a Siamang, which is on a red list as endangered species but there are less and less as the forests and jungles are being cut down for human greed. The Siamang we saw was pregnant but we don’t know if the Siamang family will be safe forever here. She showed up to bring me a message. We need to keep the jungle as is.

わたしにとって豊かさとはこういう経験だ。何ものにも代えがたい。やっぱあたしたちつねにラッキーなんだ。血まみれになった甲斐があったってもんだ。このツアー、本当におすすめすぎる。ここへ行くことがあったら、Be OceanのHusinにぜひ連絡してみて!
Being rich for someone means money but for me it’s experiences like this. It was worth being bitten by leeches. Krui is awesome. Please, if you ever go there, you need to take this tour. Contact Husin at Be Ocean if you are ever here.