今年で3回目の開催となる横乗日本映画祭が、イオンシネマ茅ヶ崎にて11/15-21に上映されます。「横乗り」、そして「日本」をテーマにした映像作品を、映画館の大スクリーンで日替わりで鑑賞できるという湘南ならではのイベント。ぜひ足をお運びください。If you love surfing/skateboarding/snowboarding, this is again the time of the year for YOKONORI NIPPON FILM FESTIVAL in its 3rd year.
日本に 「横乗り 」という文化が伝わり半世紀以上が経とうとしています。今日まで日本の横乗りの発展に尽力されてこられた人々の思いを受け継ぎ、さらに多くの方に、そして次の世代へとその魅力を伝えていくことができるような映画祭にしていきたいと考えています。
Raising its curtains in 2012, YOKONORI NIPPON FILM FESTIVAL is now in its 3rd year.
This festival screens selected films focused on Japan with themes about surfing – snowboarding -skateboarding, action sports known as YOKONORI, all made by Japanese creators and/or shot in Japan.This festival’s main attraction is to enjoy different films each day, on the big screen of a movie theater. The fun starts with choosing which day to go to the movie theater.
Every film is filled with culture born from yokonori communication,each filmmakers’ awesome yokonori xperiences,our care for the natural environment that cannot be ignored,and yokonorists’ unique expressions.You will thoroughly feel the appeal of YOKONORI on any day of the festival.
Almost half a century has passed since YOKONORI culture arrived in Japan.With respect to those who developed and continue to nurture yokonori in Japan, this film festival wishes to continue their efforts by sharing that passion to more people, and to the next generations.
I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at the theater.